Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Always excited to go to this one, best in class... This is a view from my
window. Staying at the Hyatt Place downtown which is... Exactly like any
other hyatt place just bigger... Funny, great view of the Hyatt Regency
(bldg with dome)...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Beautiful Santiago!
spank No Colorado on the radio here in my room thanks to the internet. Go
Friday, September 17, 2010
Stranded In Downtown Battle Creek
Then the train abruptly stopped outside of Kalamazoo due to a "near miss" -
a trespasser was nearly hit by the train. Legally an inspection required
before continuing.
5 hours later we get to.... Kalamazoo! Then finally a quick jaunt to
Battle Creek only to be delayed 500 yards from the station for another 10
minutes as we were not given permission to stop.
Of course my transfer bus to East Lansing long departed and the next bus
is... in 3 and a half hours! Needless to say the 20 or so kids going to
East Lansing with me are royally pissed for missing the partying that
awaits them.
Me.... I got a refund for the bus portion, took a walk to downtown and
plopped my ass on a barstool at the Arcadia Brewing Company. I'll put my
refund into lunch and a beer as I wait for my bro to pick me up.
If only the Spartan kids down the street at the station knew they were so
close to beer....
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
A walk in Central Park
through the park. Beautiful weather!
Home in a few hours... NYC was nice but very much looking forward to the
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ancient Delos... Immense and spectacular!
isle adjacent to Mykonos.
Spectacular, it is an entire city. Many parts sufficiently intact that
you can close your eyes and imagine the ancient Greeks going to the
theatre, watch sport or even shop and live their lives.
At the very end off the beaten path I found a piece of marble etched with
Roman carvings... fascinating as it shows how the site evolved.
The site is completely overrun by weeds and you can walk anywhere, even on
top of the sides of buildings.
My favorite part was seeing the side wall of the stadium and the shops next
to the wall, you could see how people sold food and souvenirs back then.
I also loved walking to the top of the theatre and looking down, you can
totally imagine it filled with people watching plays...
Now on boat ride back to lovely Mykonos town where I will meet with Andrew
and have lunch!
Monday, July 19, 2010
So we wake up and go downstairs to breakfast overlooking the stunning beach
and just see even more yachts the size of a small cruise liner. Then on
our way to the beach... By the way where many women are topless... We pass
by a taxi (1 of only 30 on the island) that was a gorgeous silver Mercedes
sedan with black leather interior.
Our hotel is filled with older people, some families but also many 30s
couples... Straight and gay... Very interesting, and lots of money.
About to head back to the hotel to shower, change and head off to Hora to
check it out.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Temple of Demitris in Naxos
was the first clear example of temples made entirely of marble and also
showed exact roof structures. Over time was converted into a church but
remains now are predominantly of the Greek temple.
Hot arid location in central Naxos. Reminds me very much of the
California Gold Country.
Now having lunch in the cute town of Piloti before heading up to the set
community of Apirathos...
Temple of Apollo in Naxos
and lit up at night.
Naxos is a very late starting, late night town. Dinner gets going around
10pm... Shops open until late...
Off to tour the island by car before ferry to Mykonos...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Ios from the ferry
getting off and tons here @ port waiting to get on. The ferry goes next to
Paros then Naxos (our stop) before going to Mykonos.
I have a feeling the kids are on their way to Mykonos...
Last day in Santorini
foot steep drive up a cliff. The ruins were amazing from ancient Greek and
Roman times, but hella windy. At times we thought we would be blown over.
We had lunch in a little resort town with a black sand beach. They sell
water shoes so you can walk on the sand it is so hot, but lots of tourists
still. Very cute path along the beach with predictable beach stores...
Then we drove along the coast to Oia which is so spectacular Andrew kept
calling it "sick"... Stunningly gorgeous and certainly the highlight of the
island. Sweeping hotels going down the cliffs with pools and bars at
random levels, all in the typical white stone. Wow. Spread out are
little stores and cafes. A very hot day in the sun, maybe 90.
We ended up having dinner at a little restaurant at the bottom of the town,
which amazingly enough you can drive to. Fish and incredible views.
Drove back and collapsed in hotel for another 11 hour sleep. Now we sit
in our local cafe having wine and Greek salad overlooking the central
square before we head off to the island of Naxos by ferry. This time
staying in town at a pension... A far cry from the Relais& Chateaux
experience we just had but surely fun...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Day sail around Santorini
swim in the hot springs and lunch on board. Took a half hour nap in the
sun aboard. Andrew befriended and translated for an Italian family of 6
adults... So relaxing!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Pyrgos, Santorini
where a bus picked us up and dropped us off at the edge of a little village
and told us "van coming" to take us to our hotel.
As we waited for the van, we saw a man dressed in white coming down the
steep pathway up the hill with a donkey... I made a joke "Andrew, here
comes our van..." and I was right!
He was the porter from the hotel and they have donkeys that pick up your
stuff, then you are escorted up the steep narrow pathways, past charming
white houses, cafes, stores and churches to our hotel which has a
spectacular view of the island!
The photo is a view from our room across the courtyard. It is a suite
built into the rock... Amazing. We walked all around our little town,
which has a castle atop the hill and more winding streets than can be
believed. Dinner at a little cafe at the town square, then coffee and
dessert with the old folk. Such an experience!
Today we take the bus into Fira and explore... That is, after several pool
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
In front of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
was the Hagia Sophia which feels like a middle age castle complete with old
Byzantine art mixed with Muslim art. A great day!
Now back to rest before Turkish body scrub and back massage before
dinner... Off to Santorini tomorrow!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Sunday, July 04, 2010
View of Istanbul
Meeting room is all set and running so now some down time.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Beautiful day in Zuid-Limburg
style performer who is quite good. Temps in the 80s and lots of shoppers
Today they have an art and architecture celebration in Heerlen and then a
street festival with live music in Ubach over Worms starting at 5pm.
Plan on heading to the hotel, Kasteel Doenrade, after lunch 4ish. Will do
some bike riding tomorrow morning before heading out to Dusseldorf to visit
my friends Monique and Ben, then back to Cologne late Sunday.
Wish Andrew was with me, but otherwise...
Life is great!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Strolling Cologne having a kolsch
playing 'Centerdold' by the J Geils Band, now Simply Red... Of course!
Weather partly cloudy and maybe 75. Just got a haircut. Finally feeling
better after a week with bronchitis.
Ahhhh... Summer in Germany!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Getting ready for World Cup in Cologne
Deutz 'hood behind the hotel to watch Germany an hour from now. Sadly I am
still sick so likely just to watch from hotel...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010

I caught a cold on Lufthansa and I've been sick since I arrived - today no better. But I had to get out a bit or I'd go crazy, so I walked across the bridge from the Hyatt to the city. After 2 minutes I realized my camera battery died, weather turned cloudy and cold, so I left myself with doing museums and will do the sightseeing later - other than the obligatory photo and buying souvenirs for friends and family back home (yes, they DO have snowglobes and thimbles here...)

Friday, June 18, 2010
In Cologne
overlooks the city and the famous cathedral.
Unfortunately I caught a cold on the flight in so recovering...
And here I am in Germany watching the world cup in a beergarden and they
are losing to Serbia 0-1. They are passionately upset...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Arrival to Frankfurt Rail Station
go and how to do this. There are 3 train stations at the airport all in
the same area and my rush hour arrival meant long lines and little help.
But... I finally figured it out and will be in Cologne in an hour!
Definitely need a good shower and a cup of coffee...
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thoughts on Dubai so far
- great infrastructure
- modern conveniences
- very multi cultural
- watching men in their white robes and women in burkhas amongst westerner
style dress
- dates and nuts and kabobs oh my!
- the clear sky at night set across the creek and the Arabian style Park
Hyatt, right out of the movies
- Modern architecture, especially the Burj Khalifa
- sunshine makes me smile and gives me a quick tan
What I don't like:
- other than the Park Hyatt there is very little traditional Arab buildings
- lots of strip malls and mega malls with endless stores like in the US
- you have to drive everywhere, no urban cultural center
- not a lot of Islamic culture so far
- lamb, so mainstream here it is overwhelming
- sunshine is so so damn hot
Look forward to getting out later today to a bazaar and hang amongst the
Friday, May 28, 2010
Rhett @ Burj Khalifa
hotel. Very nice but monochromatic. Now having dinner at a restaurant in
a souk which is essentially a mall.